Watercolor Lessons


Group Lessons


One of the best ways to hone your watercolor painting skills is by observing other people and letting that expand your perspective. Our group lessons do just that. Each lesson begins with guided instruction and skill practice, and then applies what was just learned to a composed painting. 

Group lessons run in 6 week sessions with 4 or more students per group. Each 6 week session is $40 and classes are held on Sunday afternoons from 4-6pm. 

Our next session begins April 11, 2021. Class dates are April 11, 18, 25, May 2, 9, 16. All experience levels are welcome, 18 yrs and up. To register, click the button at the top or the link below!

*Registration for this session closes April 5, 2021

Private Lessons


One on one lessons are great for those who are trying to expand their skill set, whether you’re a beginner wanting to learn the basics, or a more seasoned painter wanting to explore new styles and techniques. These lessons provide that extra attention to help you grow, with skill practice catered to your expertise and paintings that speak to your style. 

Private lessons start with a minimum of 3 lessons, with the option to continue class by class. Each 2 hour lesson is $30 and the day and time can be coordinated with your schedule. This is a great option for kids to have an outlet to explore their creativity and develop new skills.

Interested in taking lessons?

Sign up here


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